Fed up with splashing the cash on gas? There’s never been a better time to cut carbon emissions and ride instead.
Recent global changes have resulted in gas prices soaring.
Price increases and the ongoing climate crisis are signs that you need to turn electric.
Think how much money you’re spending on gas per week. And remember, this is going to increase in the coming weeks. And now imagine making one, eco-friendly investment that will improve your health and make your commute easier and way more fun. It’s a no-brainer!
EBC’s electric bike range has something for everyone;
a city bike for those big city-lovers looking to dodge the traffic. Perfect for commuters that are keen to enjoy their surroundings before a day in the office. And the perfect cruiser for those living in the suburbs seeking adventure. No matter your lifestyle, an EBC electric bike is an asset to your lifestyle (even more so now that E-bikes are a proven solution for saving money!)
Save money and enjoy the ride!
P.S. Don’t forget to add your bike lock, helmet, and lights to your basket. We’ll see you at checkout.